Sunday, May 20, 2012

My little Habanero

It's that time a year again when the weeds have to be pulled and flowers and plants need to be planted! When I walked out into the garden today I had to cover my ears because of the yelling and screaming that greeted me. Oh the little plants that remained out there were excited to finally get something to drink and they were looking forward to seeing their new friends that would be coming in to greet them later in the day.
I had quite a few stubborn weeds not wanting to leave the nice home they had settled in over the past six months. They come in to just to try and make friends with the fellow flowers but unfortunately the flowers do not like them at all. It's sad sometimes removing the weeds but hearing the flowers cheer always makes it worth it. 
As I descended into Menard's today to pick out some flowers I was struck by the unpleasant atmosphere that was given off. Many of them felt like they were going to die in the pot they were currently put in with those around them. Many of them felt used and could not believe they were being violated and sold when they should be free to grow where they please. I informed them however that they will be very happy with where they're going and I was going to give time to talk to the other flowers about what it's like living in Le Garden. 
During the visit today I had a very interesting moment where I was strolling down the vegetable plant aisle. Many of these plants are lot more "forward" than the flowers, and they strut about with obnoxious confidence as I pass them by. One little habanero pepper plant however, was weeping softly in the corner. So I asked the plant "What is wrong little habanero?". He answered "all these other plants here make fun of me, I haven't grown as much as them". So I said, "don't worry little plant, I have a spot for you in my garden where all the other plants are very accepting of who you are". He cried and thanked me and off I went with little habanero. 
When I returned home the current garden plants had prepared a party for the newcomers that included plenty of watering cans and fertilizer! They had even invited the local bee's and butterflies! There was an audible gasp with many oo's and ahh's as little habanero made his appearance. They had never seen such a fiery little pepper before! The most of a vegetable the group had become friends with was Tommy Tomato. They were very interested in what it was like to be a pepper and what he would bloom into in the next few months. Little habanero smiled at me and thanked me, he had never been around so many welcoming plants, a big change from the cool atmosphere of his previous habanero brothers. 


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