This post is relevant to an egg I obtained on the 9th of May, 2012.
After careful consideration, I picked out what I believed to be the cleanest looking egg. This egg had a lighter color than the others, with a few darker speckles on it.
I am germophobic. I heard these eggs were not washed. Immediately I went to the women's restroom and washed the egg in soap, removing all excess debris. Then I washed my hands. I folded a paper towel and wrapped the egg up in it, the egg has remained in this paper towel since.
In all honesty I have thought about this egg everyday, I have also talked about this egg everyday. Clearly I surround myself with sick individuals because most advised me to smash the egg. I don't understand society's fascination with egg smashing. It all seems very messy.
I have come to the conclusion that I want to do nothing with this egg. I am quite content with this egg still wrapped in it's paper towel of the day I adopted it, sitting on my shelf. I do believe I have become attached to this egg and consider it mine. If there is ever an opportunity for this egg, I do not believe it was this week. Perhaps in the future, I will find a use for the egg. But in the meantime, I do not want to see it destroyed or changed in any way.
In a practical sense, we cook eggs and eat them. The only other use I know of for eggs, if they're not being cooked, are for decoration during Easter. I have yet to find other uses. So because I want to do neither of those the egg will just continue to exist in it's pure form.
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